We highlight the synergy between ultrafast and metaoptics in attoworld's Pulse Magazine.
Our OPTICA Webinar on Extreme Ultraviolet Metaoptics and Attosecond Microscopy is now online.
We organized the training school on Metasurfaces for Ultrafast Lasers in the framework of Laserlab Europe July 24-26.
- Summer School at the laser lab website
- Summer School program
David finished his Master's with an excellent thesis Towards Ultraviolet Light Metaoptics
The lecture notes and example code of our metasurface design course are online now
Sydney's work on Metasurface-controlled holographic microcavities in collaboration with Federico Capassso was published in ACS Photonics
Kazma's work on Few-Cycle Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Collaboration with Martin Schultze was published in Nano Letters
Joon-Suh's work on All-glass 100 mm Diameter Visible Metalens for Imaging the Cosmos was published in ACS Nano
Rui Jie's work on Time reversal differentiation of FDTD for photonic inverse design was published in ACS Photonics
Yun's work on High-power laser beam shaping using a metasurface for shock excitation and focusing at the microscale was published in Optics Express
Christina's work on Topologically protected optical polarization singularities in four-dimensional space was published in Science Advances
Our work on Extreme ultraviolet metalens by vacuum guiding was published in Science
Our work on Metasurface-stabilized optical microcavities was published in Nature Communications
Nico Knefz (joint with Martin Schultze), [email protected]
Jakob Bancalari, external at Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Johannes Spendier, [email protected]
Lorenz Weiß, [email protected]
Andreas Weber, [email protected]
Diana Mori, external at Silicon Austia Labs
David Grafinger, Google Scholar, [email protected]
Anna Karner, Google Scholar, [email protected]
Alexander Grossek, ORCID, [email protected]
Marcus Ossiander, Google Scholar, [email protected]
Daniel Hipp (joint with Martin Schultze), [email protected]
Master Thesis: Exploration of XUV Photonic Integrated Circuits
Contact [email protected] anytime for details.
Extreme Ultraviolet Metalens by Vacuum Guiding
M. Ossiander*, M. L. Meretska, H. K. Hampel, S. W. D. Lim, N. Knefz, T. Jauk, F. Capasso*, M. Schultze*
Science 380, pp. 59-63, 07.04.2023
Secondary Articles:
Physics Today Holey lens focuses extreme-UV radiation (2023)
ORF Science Metaoptik für allerkleinste Strukturen (2023)
Optica Optics and Photonics News A Metalens for the Extreme Ultraviolet (2023)
Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation is at the heart of semiconductor lithography, modern material science, and attosecond metrology but a severe lack of optics halts progress. In this publication, as a Team from Harvard University and Graz University of Technology, we experimentally demonstrate metasurfaces as a superior way to handle EUV light. We achieve this by introducing a new nanoscopic phase-shifting technique - vacuum guiding - which exploits that holes in a membrane can have a considerably larger EUV refractive index than the surrounding material. We fabricated an EUV metalens and proved it focuses ultrashort light bursts generated via high-harmonic generation to a waist of only 700 nm. The work multiplies the current high-frequency limit of metasurfaces and, as the devices are phase-based, constitutes the first universal optics technology in the EUV.
Metasurface-Stabilized Optical Microcavities
M. Ossiander*, M. L. Meretska, S. Rourke, C. M. Spaegele, X. Yin, I. C. Benea-Chelmus, F. Capasso*
Nature Communications 14, 1114 (9pp), 27.02.2023
In this publication, we introduce microcavities generating holographic modes. By combining dielectric metasurfaces and distributed Bragg reflectors, we harness the design freedom of metasurfaces and the high reflectivity of Bragg reflectors. Therefore, we demonstrated metasurfaces as a highly effective way to concentrate light, i.e., to provide small mode volumes, high quality factors, and Purcell control. Contrary to classic cavity designs, our metasurface microcavities can stabilize designer modes and such, e.g., couple multiple quantum emitters or improve the efficiency of semiconductor lasers.
The speed limit of optoelectronics
M. Ossiander*, K. Golyari, K. Scharl, L. Lehnert, F. Siegrist, J. P. Bürger, D. Zimin, J.A. Gessner, M. Weidman, I. Floss, V. Smejkal, S. Donsa, C. Lemell, F. Libisch, N. Karpowicz, J. Burgdörfer, F. Krausz*, M. Schultze
Nature Communications 13, 1620 (9pp), 25.03.2022
Secondary Articles:
Physics World Quantum physics sets a speed limit for fastest possible optoelectronic switch (2022)
Der Standard Physikalisches Speedlimit für Computerchips liegt bei einem Petahertz (2022)
yahoo! Do your electronic gadgets have a speed limit? (2022)
This publication highlights today's x-ray attosecond science as a powerful tool for exploring future materials for communication and computation. We developed a technique to inject carriers in the conduction band of lithium fluoride using a 1 fs vacuum-ultraviolet light pulse and to coherently steer them via the electric field of a laser pulse. Albeit working with isolators, we could drive currents with a speed close to one petahertz. The method allows following excited electrons through the band structure and observing intra- and non-adiabatic interband transitions. As the technique records real currents, it connects microscopic effects to macroscopic signatures and directly measures optoelectronic material properties. Work was done at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and TU Wien.
Slow light nanocoatings for ultrashort pulse compression
M. Ossiander*, Y.-W. Huang, W.-T. Chen, Z. Wang, X. Yin, Y. A. Ibrahim, M. Schultze, F. Capasso*
Nature Communications 12, 6518 (8pp), 11.11.2021
Secondary Articles:
optics.org Harvard silicon coating counteracts light dispersion (2021)
Materials Today New silicon coating uses nanopillars to trap red light (2021)
The dispersion of transparent materials has aggravated using transmissive optics in ultrafast laser science for decades. This Harvard University/Graz University of Technology collaboration introduces nanostructured coatings that imprint negative group delay dispersion in the visible and near-infrared spectrum upon transmission. We experimentally demonstrated this in the spectral domain and proved the coatings compress elongated pulses in the time domain. As such, when applied to any ordinary transmissive optics, the coatings cancel their dispersion and prevent temporal pulse broadening, allowing their straightforward application to ultrashort laser pulses down to the few-cycle regime.
Absolute Timing of the Photoelectric Effect
M. Ossiander*, J. Riemensberger, S. Neppl, M. Mittermair, M. Schäffer, A. Duensing, M. Wagner, R. Heider, M. Wurzer, M. Gerl, M. Schnitzenbaumer. J.V. Barth, F. Libisch, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, P. Feulner, R. Kienberger*
Nature 561, pp. 374-377, 19.09.2018
Secondary Articles:
physicsworld How long does the photoelectric effect take? (2018)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Ein Milliardstel einer Milliardstel Sekunde (2018)
In a collaboration between the MPI of Quantum Optics, the Technical University of Munich, and the TU Wien, we developed a technique that enables recording the absolute timing of photoelectrons escaping from surfaces. This is equivalent to the phase of the photoelectrons and reveals, e.g., where they were born and how they move through a crystal. We showed that electrons can be freed from solids unexpectedly fast and demonstrated for the first time how to examine photoemission from adsorbates in the time domain. Material science can now gain previously unattainable information about the electron dynamics in designed surface-adsorbate-systems, employed, e.g., in organic solar cells and catalysis.
Attosecond correlation dynamics
M. Ossiander*, F. Siegrist, V. Shirvanyan, R. Pazourek, A. Sommer, T. Latka, A. Guggenmos, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer, R. Kienberger, M. Schultze*
Nature Physics 13, pp. 280-285, 07.11.2016
Secondary Articles:
New Scientist Smallest sliver of time yet measured sees electrons fleeing atom (2016)
Spiegel Online 0,000000000000000007 Sekunden (2016)
Optica Optics and Photonics News Tracking Photoelectrons with Sub-Attosecond Precision (2016)
In a collaboration between the MPI of Quantum Optics, the University of Munich, the Technical University of Munich, and the TU Wien, we recorded the time delay between the absorption of a photon by a helium atom and the ejection of an electron for the first time. This allowed us to present four major results: 1) We created the first absolute time reference for attosecond spectroscopy. 2) We demonstrated how to retrieve the duration of fundamental processes with unprecedented sub-attosecond precision and accuracy. 3) The attained precision enabled breaking down the recorded times into universal and measurement-induced contributions and benchmarking theoretical models for these. 4) We demonstrated a contribution purely arising from the interaction of two electrons. This is the first realization of one of the promises of attosecond science: following the interaction of electrons on their natural timescale.
Metasurface-Controlled Holographic Microcavities
S. Mason, M. L. Meretska, C. Spägele, M. Ossiander*, F. Capasso
ACS Photonics 2024, 15.02.2024 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01479
Few-Cycle Surface Plasmon Polaritons
K. Komatsu*, Z. Pápa, T. Jauk, F. Bernecker, L. Tóth, F. Lackner, W. E. Ernst, H. Ditlbacher, J. R. Krenn, M. Ossiander, P. Dombi, M. Schultze*
Nano Lett. 2024, 12.02.2024 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04991
All-glass 100 mm Diameter Visible Metalens for Imaging the Cosmos
J.-S. Park, S. W. D. Lim, A. Amirzhan, H. Kang, K. Karrfalt, D. Kim, J. Leger, A. M. Urbas, M. Ossiander, Z. Li, F. Capasso
ACS Nano 2024, 18, pp. 3187-3198, 17.01.2024 10.1021/acsnano.3c09462
Minimal memory differentiable FDTD for photonic inverse design
R. J. Tang*, S. W. D. Lim*, M. Ossiander, X. Yin, F. Capasso
ACS Photonics, 14.11.2023 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00694
Attosecond dynamics of photoemission over a wide photon energy range
C. A. Schröder*, J. Riemensberger, R. Kuzian, M. Ossiander, D. Potamianos, , F. Allegretti, L. Bignardi, S. Lizzit, A. Akil, A. Cavalieri, D. Menzel, S. Neppl, R. Ernstorfer, J. Braun, H. Ebert, J. Minar, W. Helml, M. Jobst, M. Gerl, E. Bothschafter, A. Kim, K. Hütten, U. Kleineberg, M. Schnitzenbaumer, J. Barth, P. Feulner, E. Krasovskii, R. Kienberger*
preprint, 30.10.2023 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3024896/v1
High-power laser beam shaping using a metasurface for shock excitation and focusing at the microscale
Y. Kai, J. Lem, M. Ossiander, M. L. Meretska, V. Sokurenko, S. E. Kooi, F. Capasso, K. A. Nelson, T. Pezeril
Optics express 31, pp. 31308-31315, 07.9.2023 10.1364/OE.487894
Topologically protected four-dimensional optical singularities
C. M. Spaegele*, M. Tamagnone*, S. W. D. Lim, M. Ossiander, M. L. Meretska, F. Capasso*
Science Advances 9, eadh0369, 16.6.2023 10.1126/sciadv.adh0369
Extreme Ultraviolet Metalens by Vacuum Guiding
M. Ossiander*, M. L. Meretska, H. K. Hampel, S. W. D. Lim, N. Knefz, T. Jauk, F. Capasso*, M. Schultze*
Science 380, pp. 59-63, 07.04.2023 10.1126/science.adg6881
Metasurface-Stabilized Optical Microcavities
M. Ossiander*, M. L. Meretska, S. Rourke, C. M. Spaegele, X. Yin, I. C. Benea-Chelmus, F. Capasso*
Nature Communications 14, 1114 (9pp), 27.02.2023 10.1038/s41467-023-36873-7
Measurements of the magneto-optical properties of thin-film EuS at room temerature in the visible spectrum
M. L. Meretska, F. H. B. Somhorst, M. Ossiander, Y. Hou, J. Moodera, F. Capasso
Applied Physics Letters 120, 251103, 20.06.2022 10.1063/5.0090533
The speed limit of optoelectronics
M. Ossiander*, K. Golyari, K. Scharl, L. Lehnert, F. Siegrist, J. P. Bürger, D. Zimin, J.A. Gessner, M. Weidman, I. Floss, V. Smejkal, S. Donsa, C. Lemell, F. Libisch, N. Karpowicz, J. Burgdörfer, F. Krausz*, M. Schultze
Nature Communications 13, 1620 (9pp), 25.03.2022 10.1038/s41467-022-29252-1
Slow light nanocoatings for ultrashort pulse compression
M. Ossiander*, Y.-W. Huang, W.-T. Chen, Z. Wang, X. Yin, Y. A. Ibrahim, M. Schultze, F. Capasso*
Nature Communications 12, 6518 (8pp), 11.11.2021 10.1038/s41467-021-26920-6
Multifunctional wide-angle optics and lasing based on supercell metasurfaces
C. Spägele, M. Tamagnone*, D. Kazakov, M. Ossiander, M. Piccardo, F. Capasso*
Nature Communications 12, 3787 (10pp), 18.06.2021 10.1038/s41467-021-24071-2
Broadband phase-shifting mirrors for ultrafast lasers
M. Trubetskov, T. Amotchkina*, L. Lehnert, J. Sancho-Parramon, K. Golyari, V. Janicki, M. Ossiander, M. Schultze, V. Pervak
Applied Optics 59.5, pp. A123-A127, 10.02.2020 10.1364/AO.59.00A123
Megahertz-compatible angular streaking with few-femtosecond resolution at X-ray free-electron lasers
R. Heider, M. S. Wagner, N. Hartmann, M. Ilchen, J. Buck, G. Hartmann, V. Shirvanyan, A. O. Lindahl, C. Benko, J. Grünert, J. Krzywinski, J. Liu, M. Ossiander, A. A. Lutman, A. Marinelli, T. Maxwell, A. A. Miahnahri, S. P. Moeller, M. Planas, J. Robinson, J. Viefhaus, T. Feurer, R. Kienberger, R. N. Coffee, W. Helml*
Phys. Rev. A 100, 053420, 25.11.2019 10.1103/PhysRevA.100.053420
Attosecond Dynamics of sp-band Photo-Excitation
J. Riemensberger*, S. Neppl, D. Potamianos, M. Schäffer, M. Schnitzenbaumer, M. Ossiander, C. Schröder, A. Guggenmos, U. Kleineberg, D. Menzel, F. Allegretti, J. V. Barth, R. Kienberger, P. Feulner, A. G. Borisov, P. M. Echenique, A. K. Kazansky
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 176801, 21.10.2019 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.176801
Light-wave dynamic control of magnetism
F. Siegrist, J. A. Gessner, M. Ossiander, C. Denker, Y. Chang, M. C. Schröder, A. Guggenmos, Y. Cui, J. Walowski, U. Martens, J. K. Dewhurst, U. Kleineberg, M. Münzenberg, S. Sharma, M. Schultze*
Nature 571, pp. 240-244, 26.06.2019 10.1038/s41586-019-1333-x
Few-Femtosecond Wave Packet Revivals in Ozone
T. Latka*, V. Shirvanyan, M. Ossiander, O. Razskazovskaya, A. Guggenmos, M. Jobst, M. Fieß, S. Holzner, A. Sommer, M. Schultze, C. Jakubeit, J. Riemensberger, B. Bernhardt, W. Helml, F. Gatti, B. Lasorne, D. Lauvergnat, P. Decleva, G. J. Halász, Á. Vibók, R. Kienberger*
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063405 (9pp), 10.06.2019 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.063405
Absolute Timing of the Photoelectric Effect
M. Ossiander*, J. Riemensberger, S. Neppl, M. Mittermair, M. Schäffer, A. Duensing, M. Wagner, R. Heider, M. Wurzer, M. Gerl, M. Schnitzenbaumer. J.V. Barth, F. Libisch, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer, P. Feulner, R. Kienberger*
Nature 561, pp. 374-377, 19.09.2018 10.1038/s41586-018-0503-6
Carrier frequency tuning of few-cycle light pulses by a broadband attenuating mirror
O. Razskazovskaya, M. Ossiander, F. Siegrist, V. Pervak, M. Schultze
Applied Optics 56.32, pp. 8978-8982, 08.11.2017 10.1364/AO.56.008978
Attosecond correlation dynamics
M. Ossiander*, F. Siegrist, V. Shirvanyan, R. Pazourek, A. Sommer, T. Latka, A. Guggenmos, S. Nagele, J. Feist, J. Burgdörfer, R. Kienberger, M. Schultze*
Nature Physics 13, pp. 280-285, 07.11.2016 10.1038/nphys3941
Attosecond photoelectron streaking with enhanced energy resolution for small-band-gap materials
A. Guggenmos, A. Akil, M. Ossiander, M. Schäffer, A. M. Azzeer, G. Böhm, M.-C. Amann, R. Kienberger, M. Schultze, U. Kleineberg
Optics Letters 41.16, pp. 3714-3717, 03.08.2016 10.1364/OL.41.003714
Chromium/Scandium multilayer mirrors for attosecond pulses at 145 eV
A. Guggenmos*, M. Jobst, M. Ossiander, S. Radünz, J. Riemensberger, M. Schäffer, A. Akil, C. Jakubeit, P. Böhm, S. Noever, B. Nickel, R. Kienberger, F. Krausz, U. Kleineberg
Optics Letters 40.12, pp. 2846-2849, 11.06.2015 10.1364/OL.40.002846
Optical study of lithographically defined, subwavelength plasmonic wires and their coupling to embedded quantum emitters
G. Bracher*, K. Schraml, M. Ossiander, S. Frederick, J. J. Finley, M. Kaniber
Nanotechnology 25.7, 075203 (6pp), 21.01.2014 10.1088/0957-4484/25/7/075203
Carrier-envelope-phase-stable, 1.2 mJ, 1.5 cycle laser pulses at 2.1 um
Y. Deng*, A. Schwarz, H. Fattahi, M. Ueffing, X. Gu, M. Ossiander, T. Metzger, V. Pervak, H. Ishizuki, T. Taira, T. Kobayashi, G. Marcus, F. Krausz, R. Kienberger, N. Karpowicz
Optics Letters 37.23, pp. 4973-4975, 29.11.2012 10.1364/OL.37.004973
Active stabilization for optically synchronized optical parametric chirped pulse amplification
A. Schwarz*, M. Ueffing, Y. Deng, X. Gu, H. Fattahi, T. Metzger, M. Ossiander, F. Krausz, R. Kienberger
Optics Express 20.5, pp. 5557-5565, 22.2.2012 10.1364/OE.20.005557
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